Love Yourself

The past few months have been crazy busy. There have been amazing opportunities that have arisen and so many inspirational people that I have met. Each and every day I am reminded of what my purpose and mission is. And that is something I want to continue to share with the world.

Self-love is something that is essential to wholehearted living. Self-love is when you truly and passionately love yourself. You understand that decisions you have made, actions you have taken, or circumstances that have happened to you do not make up who you are. You have a divine light within you that shines brightly into the world and nothing you can do can put out that flame.

Love Letters to Yourself is a project I have started to teach and promote the importance of self-love worldwide. This project is becoming a movement. I hold workshops and seminars to teach women about self-love and how to write love letters to themselves. The symbol of this love letter is the commitment we have to ourselves. It is a visual trigger to remind ourselves why we are loved, why we are important, and why we are worthy of love and success.

Until you love yourself, you cannot truly love anyone else. And until you love yourself, no one’s love with ever be enough. Many people are taken back when I say. However, I want to share this example. Picture walking in the city of Chicago and there is a homeless person on the street asking for money. You left your purse in the car or only have a credit card on you. You have NO change and NO money.  You have nothing to give them. If someone comes over to your house and you just got back from a three week long vacation and have not had time to go grocery shopping, you have no food to feed them. No matter how much you want to feed your friends or give money to the homeless, you have nothing. This is the same with self-love. If we do not have self-love, or love for yourself, you have nothing to give. You cannot share this because the pantry of your heart is empty. No matter how much you want to give and receive love, until you have it within you, it cannot happen.

There is good news! This love is within you, waiting to be ignited and shared! Everything you need is within you. All the love, validation, adoration, and knowledge you long for has been and will always be within you. The question is how to access it. And that is where I come in.

Through my workshops, women are set free and reminded how to love themselves. People are inspired to create the life they have always imagined. I am not an expert. I am a young woman who has been sent on my journey to define what love means to me. Through my journey I found self-love. I have my personal experiences and stories to share with the world and the passion to fill the universe. My goal is to create a support network for women and people on their journey, so they know they are never alone.

Self-love seems like a simple idea, but when we ask ourselves what is self-love and what does it mean? Many people cannot find the words to formulate a definition. When people go searching for the definition, that is where the journey begins.

Self-love is important because it is the birthplace of creativity, success, and authentic relationships. Self-love, for me, is to be authentic with who you are, accept yourself for all of your sides, forgive yourself for decisions you have made, and build yourself up to live life unreasonably and go after your dreams. Until we love ourselves, we will never think we are worthy of success. We will never take risks to accomplish those desires our heart longs for. We will never have a true and deep relationship with another person because we do not have the courage to be vulnerable. Self-love is the foundation to life.

I am here to encourage you to write a love letter to yourself. Find that love you have been longing for within you. Stop looking externally for approval because the approval you have been waiting for is within you.

After writing your love letter, if you feel comfortable, I invite you to send it to me. I am compiling a book full of these love letters, publishing it, and using the profits to support women’s empowerment, send girls to school, and take this message worldwide. Who knows who your letter can help and the journey it may spark?

You are beautiful, strong, capable, worthy, full of potential, and enough. You do not need to conform, change, or sacrifice who you are to be loved. You are perfect.

I would love to hear what you think about this movement. This movement will be taken globally and is something to be shouted from the rooftops. Love yourself, and thereby transform the world.

Peace, Love, and Amity,


Send love letters to:

You are Empowered

As we come into this world, we are born as powerful human beings. Beings full of love, strength, and potential. However, as we go through life, we forget our true essence and we begin to question who we are. We begin to lose faith in ourselves, in humanity. These limitations keep us from accomplishing our dreams and living the life we love. 
A couple weeks ago, I went to an amazing weekend long personal growth seminar called, The Landmark Forum. This company is all over the world and yet, I did not hear about it until I started working for lululemon athletica. They are in 20 different countries and cities all over the U.S. Their message is so powerful that if everyone in the world heard it, the world would be transformed. The transformation I felt is something that I cannot explain. But, the message and lesson I got from it can be shared with everyone. That message is to remember you are empowered. Nothing can take that away from us, the only thing standing in our way is ourselves.
Throughout life we are told we are “victim’s of our circumstance,” whether that be of your economic status, where you go to school, how your parents raised you, the love you were shown, or sexual, emotional, or verbal abuse, and the list goes on. Out of these experiences, we create our “stories.” And we identify these “stories” as who we are and why we are the way we are. We don’t put ourselves out there because we have been hurt, we don’t take risks because we were told we would fail, we don’t dream because we were told we wouldn’t amount to anything. These “stories” have limited us since we have started believing them and the moment we start believing the, we assume the role of victim. However, you can’t be powerful and be a victim. You either are powerful, or you are a victim.
When I was 15, I was sexually abused. I believed this story empowered me. I thought that because of this story, I could talk to women who have been abused, used, and through it all. I believed I needed this story to validate me and prove that I know what I am talking about when I hold seminars and workshops for women. I thought I needed this to start my women’s empowerment project, Love Letters to Yourself. But, what I realized last weekend is, I have played victim. I had thought I had forgiven him and moved on. But because I used this story from my past to try and create my future, my future was never clear and ready for the making. I put my baggage in the way and I was never set free. So, there I was, faced with a choice of either identifying with my victim story or remembering my true nature.
So, today I am here to tell you, I remembered my true nature and I want remind you of yours. You are empowered. You do not need to identify with your victim story, no matter how horrible it is. Now, I am not telling you to forget it, excuse it, or pretend it is ok. I am inviting you to acknowledge what part it played in your life and let it stay there. You are powerful on your own and can achieve unlimited possibilities, if you choose to clear your future of your past. This is our true essence and by releasing these stories that do not serve us, we make room for the “real” us to come alive.
So, what do you choose to release? What story do you choose to give up? You are powerful beyond measure and just know that you have the strength to overcome anything. The love and potential is already inside of you, waiting to be ignited and shown to the world.